Product Features
POLİFİX Thermal Insulation Board Adhesive, produced by our Group Company KALEBLOKBİMS A.Ş., is a cement based, polymer added, high performance, flexible, high stability, specially prepared adhesive mortar for Ptpolitek EPS thermal insulation boards.
Application Areas
It is used for bonding EPS thermal insulation boards on interior and exterior facades of all buildings.
Surface Preparation
Make sure that the application surface is cured and sound.
The application surface must be cleaned from dust, oil, tar, pitch, paint, silicone, curing material, detergent and mold oils. If there are defects on the application surface, they should be corrected.
The application surface should be heated and kept moist.
Preparation of Liquid Mortar
25 kg POLİFİX Thermal Insulation Board Adhesive is added into 5.5-6.5 liters of clean water and mixed preferably with a low speed mixer so that there are no lumps.
The prepared mortar is rested for 5-10 minutes to mature and mixed again 1-2 minutes before starting the application.
The prepared mortar should be consumed within 3 hours. Do not use mortar that has expired.
Application Information
Application methods vary according to the smoothness of the surface.
All Surface Bonding Method: If the surface is smooth, the adhesive mortar is applied to the entire thermal insulation board with a trowel or a suitable notched trowel.
Strip and Dot Application Method: If there are level differences on the surface, the adhesive mortar is troweled on the back of the thermal insulation board as a continuous strip along all edges and as a dotted trowel in the middle sections.
The boards adhered with KFIX-THERM Thermal Insulation Board Adhesive are adhered to the wall by pressing firmly.
During the gluing process, check whether the boards are at the same level with a gauge or spirit level.
Thermal insulation boards should be mechanically fastened with dowels at least 24 hours after the bonding process, depending on the ambient temperature and surface properties.
Avoid application at temperatures below +5°C and above +35°C.
Avoid application in areas that are frozen, at risk of freezing within 24 hours or open to direct sun and wind.
Do not add powder and water to expired mortar.
In order to prevent heat transfer, thermal insulation boards should be placed with as little space between them as possible.
Care should be taken not to use boards that have lost their properties by being in the sun for a long time.
The above values are provided under +23°C temperature and 50% relative humidity conditions.
25 kg kraft bag
It can be stored for 12 months on the pallet by stacking up to 10 layers in moisture-free environments and in its unopened packaging.
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